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Julio Larregoity fotografo, Fotógrafos en Hormiguros

Categoría: Fotógrafos profesional
País: Puerto Rico
Provincia: Hormigueros
Ciudad: Hormiguros
Web: ver web
Julio Larregoity has focused exclusively on the art of wedding photography since 1979.
His goal is to document the whole story of the day with images that are candid, beautiful and honest. He strives to capture the natural beauty in the most simple , everyday moments. No glance is insignificant, no smile too common. These moments are the ones that tell the real story of your wedding day.
His ability to capture intimate moments in a beautiful and artistic way is what keeps him busy photographing weddings.
Julio’s work exhibits a unique blend of photojournalistic and bold portrait styles. This style (called Portrait Journalism) has evolved into the most popular form of wedding photography because it creates a collection of images with a combination of dramatic creative portraits of the Bride and Groom, and a large selection of shots that are natural, spontaneous and unposed - capturing your family and friends in a way that minimizes the posed look and the awkward interruptions throughout the day.
Experience counts!
Wedding photography is very different from other types of photography, and even though you may have a friend or relative that is an excellent photographer, that does NOT make them a good wedding photographer. An experienced wedding photographer knows when to stay back in the shadows and when to get right up to the front. He will know exactly when to be in a certain spot to capture the important moments throughout the day while still maintaining a respectful sense of sacredness for your wedding, so that the important moments are captured without turning the whole event into a photo shoot.
Julio has witnessed hundreds of weddings in PR. This experience is priceless when it comes to capturing the natural, un-posed story of a wedding as it unfolds. And if you happen to be planning a destination wedding, Julio’s experience can easily make the difference between a photographer that shows up, and one that doesn't make it at all.



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