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G.E.R.M.I., Usuario en Roma

Categoría: Usuario aficionado
País: Italia
Provincia: Roma
Ciudad: Roma
Web: ver web
Presentación: G.e.r.m.i. [Gruppo Europeo Ricerca Musicale Indipendente] organizes the 1st International Photography Competition.
The competition is open to photographers of any nationality and regardless of age, professionals or not.
Theme of the competition: Through the metaphor of the "fold", the constitution of the soul and modern experience.
Format: 20X30 cm in size in color or black and white.
Deadline: October 20, 2011.
Entry Fee: € 25/00 (twenty five/00).
Prize: Among all the admitted photos a maximum of 50 (fifty) photographs will be chosen, which will be part of the photographic
exhibition that will be take place from November 1 to November 5 at the Colosseo Nuovo Teatro in Rome during the GMF2011.





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